The thing
is with this franchise is you’re looking in the wrong place for depth, for
complex morality or earnest drama. There are no cinematic rules re-invented, no
Oscar winning performances, no philosophical soliloquies and that’s not what we
expect. What we do expect is two and a bit hours of pure adrenalin filled,
spaceship packed, robot inhabited, lightsabre battling Good versus Evil and
this is what we get. From start to finish the film never lets up a second-
there is no flab whatsoever. Even quieter character moments are hastily
delivered and often on the move. People complain about the dialogue in Star Wars films but it works like a
comic strip leaving no ambiguity as to what is happening. In an age when arc
plotting, out of order sequencing, non linear narratives are all the rage there
is something great about watching a film that goes from A to B.
To be
honest that is all the plot does. It is simply a backdrop for the fun to unfold.
As the opening yellow (of course) title crawl informs us Luke Skywalker is
missing and inside a delightful rolling robot called BB-8 (whom you will love!)
is the location of where the last of the Jedi is. The new sinister baddies the
First Order and the Resistance both want to get their mitts on it and, er, that’s
it! There are of course some coincidences that will make you smile in order to
bring a disparate set of characters together but that’s OK because the sooner
they are together the sooner it seems even more like Star Wars than ever!
The old
favourites are sparingly used during the first third of the film which concentrates
on scavenger Rey who encounters defecting Stormtrooper Finn after he and daring
resistance fighter pilot Poe Dameron crash land on the planet Jakku with the
aforementioned robot. It is they who eventually hook up with Han Solo and
Chewbacca after stealing the now rusty abanoned Millennium Falcon. What is surprising
is that the film takes time to build the new roles before bringing in the old
ones. So by the time Solo shows, we already love Rey with her can-co-anything multi
-tasking skills and Finn who quickly becomes the more comedic side of this
potential relationship. Both Daisy Ridley and John Boyega are terrific throughout
and as a result it’s them –rather than Solo- you’re really rooting for.
They bring a freshness and enthusiastically dive into the world. Franchise successfully handed on!
Of course Harrison Ford is his usual hangdog, laconic self and the rapport he achieves with the newbies works –dare I say it- as well as that which he used to have with a certain other two characters. Talking of whom we eventually meet Carrie Fisher – Leia now being a resistance general- though she gets a lot less to do spending her time looking at three dimensional maps and cooing over Solo. As for Mark Hammill, well let’s just say his script extracts must have been very slim indeed though you suspect he will play a much bigger part next time round.
Of course Harrison Ford is his usual hangdog, laconic self and the rapport he achieves with the newbies works –dare I say it- as well as that which he used to have with a certain other two characters. Talking of whom we eventually meet Carrie Fisher – Leia now being a resistance general- though she gets a lot less to do spending her time looking at three dimensional maps and cooing over Solo. As for Mark Hammill, well let’s just say his script extracts must have been very slim indeed though you suspect he will play a much bigger part next time round.
Course one of the reasons why the prequels focussed on Darth Vader is probably
because people like me spent decades wondering how he got like that, where did
he come from. People have their own memories of the original but for me Vader was
the stand out character. Filling those shiny boots is a big ask but to my
surprise this film has another great nasty albeit one with issues.
In Adam
Driver’s Kylo Ren we have the conflicted intensity so absent from the prequel’s
Vader origins story. In what amount to a handful of scenes, there is enough
material to make him the most interesting of the new characters. At first he
shows up as the very Vaderesque masked villain though it soon becomes clear he
does not have quite the same power or influence. As the film progresses he is
later seen talking to Vader’s destroyed mask and when he removes his own it
turns out he has nothing wrong with him at all. He must just be wearing it as
an homage! Driver achieves some breadth considering despite the franchise’s
character limitations turning from vicious to doubting in a moment. Plus he is
at the heart of the film’s big shock moment. By the end when he is actually disfigured and badly hurt we imagine perhaps
he will be on a real journey to total evil. For some reason the prequels could
never muster such a strongly realisation from a similar plot. It took them
three films to unfurl what is done here in, at best, twenty minutes.
Another great actor de jour Domnhall Gleeson is stuck in the thankless role of
severe General who gives a lot of orders and does evil things. Yet you can see
him trying to convey something of a little story here with just a flicker of
doubt and also wanting to please as he orders the destruction of planets. Even
if it’s never taken up (it’s unclear if he survives the film or not) there’s
something there. And that’s true of the whole film. Repeated watches will no
doubt reveal lots of little things, references and so on that you don’t necessarily
notice first time round.
the film’s kisses to the past are restrained, the old stuff never overwhelms
the new, the sense of time passing seems natural rather than forced. By
extensive use of real props, sets and masks the movie also avoids that CGI
sheen that was so noticeable in the prequels.
That JJ
Abrams can do action has never been in doubt and there is stuff here than beats
even that amazing Super8 train crash.
Restless cameras swoop and glide, we follow fighters and spaceships when
strafed by an attack, we whoosh into narrow spaces and we run for our lives.
The IMAX seats are bigger than other screens to allow you more time to get to
the edge of your seat because you need to! Just when you think it can’t get any
more fluid the action just does. Some of the sequences use inventive perspectives
like Rey and Finn’s run from attacking ships or else they add a fresh look to
things like lightsabre duels and Stormtrooper assaults. Abrams does manage to
get some trademark lens flares in of course!
from one thing you’ll spot the plot beats before they arrive but still get a
lot of interest, excitement or pleasure from them. This is not a film for
everyone- some will deride it as kid’s stuff or just an extension of some game
or other. Others will moan it’s not as good as the originals. However if you
want a rollercoaster cinema experience where you are shot at, hounded,
triumphant, defeated and even smiling at a robot’s incomprehensible bleeps then
this the film for you. If you hadn’t guessed it’s my second favourite Star Wars film ever!
Star Wars The Force Awakens Watch Online Free : http://starwarstheforceawakens2015.com