Death Has a Thousand Faces
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it is possible to combine any unlikely circumstances in one script, this lively
windswept second has Adam Adamant on the trial of a circuit diagram found in a
stick of rock for which a man has been killed at a party Georgia happens to be
at. It’s Blackpool rock and with the Victorian panache only he knows, Adamant
is soon strutting along the Golden Mile with a stripy clothed Georgia in tow buying
sticks of the stuff. It’s all so bizarre that it kind of works.
episodes are tricky to pull off and this Tony Williamson penned example manages
to contain a scenario you wouldn’t expect in particular taking the characters
out of London before they’ve established themselves in it. Still it’s funny to
see Adamant with cloak and cane taking the pavements of the seaside town as if
he owned them.
established a different set up, Williamson seems content to then make it
similar to thr first episode. The villains are led by Madame Davario, another
evil woman which makes you wonder what Williamson is trying to say. In fact
there is almost a repeat of the scene where Adamant declares he’s never
insulted a woman till now though her plan is a rather more nebulous enterprise
to blow up the Golden Mile in the most melodramatic attempt at acquiring a
brownfield site in history!
the dynamic duo is Punch and Judy man William E Simms, who sports a jacket even
gaudier that Georgie’s’ and is as much out of place as Adamant is. By the end
he agrees to become the latter’s butler. Much of the episode involves brash
Northern character types and lots of fighting which works fairly well despite
the confines of studio sets. The plot is
thin but enjoyably camp and there’s some strong direction especially during a
moped chase in an underground car park though you wonder whether its safe for
the railings atop Blackpool Tower to be quite so wobbly!
Deadly Than The Sword
camera being the object of danger here as a prominent politician is blackmailed
in a Giesha House and cheekily assigns Adamant to retrieve the negatives. You
can imagine script meetings for this series in which everyone present writes
down random things on pieces of paper and they are hurled together into a plot!
This time instead of Blackpool the series is off to Tokyo though of course
never sets foot outside the studios as it manage to encompass pretty much every
Japanese cliché into its 50 minutes.
There’s also the case that just three episodes in the series seems to have forgotten its own continuity; despite seeing his arrival last week, Georgie has seemingly forgotten the secret entrance to Adamant’s house while the man himself seems relatively au fait with most aspects of Sixties life after a comparatively brief time awake. What they don’t forget is that flashback sequence to the first episode when Adamant is knocked out as he must seemingly be each week.
The plot involves lots of people taking photos and some especially lumbering guards. Director Leonard Lewis lacks the style of his predecessors and only manages to emphasise the choreographed action rather than divert our attention from it. Thank goodness then for Gerald Harper’s assured performance which is frankly too cool for this rather dull episode.
There’s also the case that just three episodes in the series seems to have forgotten its own continuity; despite seeing his arrival last week, Georgie has seemingly forgotten the secret entrance to Adamant’s house while the man himself seems relatively au fait with most aspects of Sixties life after a comparatively brief time awake. What they don’t forget is that flashback sequence to the first episode when Adamant is knocked out as he must seemingly be each week.
The plot involves lots of people taking photos and some especially lumbering guards. Director Leonard Lewis lacks the style of his predecessors and only manages to emphasise the choreographed action rather than divert our attention from it. Thank goodness then for Gerald Harper’s assured performance which is frankly too cool for this rather dull episode.
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