Watched by Chris
Arnsby. 23/09/1982
John Peel: " Hello millions of humble admirers and
welcome to another Top of the Pops.
We've got a lot of treats for you, one rather a special treat. David Christie
doesn't sound like a very French name, but French he is, here he is at number

[17] Fat Larry's Band: Zoom. Fat Larry has been
hitting the rhyming dictionary hard. Boom/moon (a bit of a cheat). Rang/sang.
Away/play. But wait. What's this? Bloom/wonderland. Why that doesn't rhyme a
bit. Luckily the next line is whack/back and the natural order of things is
restored. Wikipedia tells me this song was featured in the 1982 Only Fools
And Horses Christmas special Diamonds Are For Heather, which would
probably have started production around the time this episode aired. Someone is
playing around with the caption generator at the end of the song. They've
rigged the band name to appear vertically one word at a time with each word a
different line; each word is also repeated horizontally across the screen.
Unfortunately this means the first thing to appear is FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT.....
[36] Dollar: Give Me Some Kinda Magic. Eric Wallis
continues his experiments in shadow and lights Dollar with pools of colour. It
gives the picture an incredible range of contrast but Dollar want to wear a lot
of black. The effect occasionally reduces Thereza Bazar and David Van Day to
voluminous glowing perms and heads floating over ominous shifting dark patches.
[6] Shalamar: There It Is. The other two members of
Shalamar have got fed up with Jeffrey Daniel hogging all the glory on previous Top
of the Pops appearances. All three appear on stage this time and there's no
fancy dancing. Jeffrey Daniel does his best but his movements are restricted by
having to pretend to play the guitar.
[18] Depeche Mode: Leave In Silence. "You saw
them on The Late-Late Breakfast Show last Saturday, " says John
Peel in reference to Shalamar. The one person you wouldn't have seen on The
Late-Late Breakfast Show last Saturday was John Peel. He was mysteriously
absent despite appearing on the first two programmes in the series, and he
would be back on Saturday 25th September. Did the BBC have rules forbidding
some presenters from appearing on more than one show each week? John Peel
follows up his plug for The Late-Late Breakfast Show with an enigmatic
statement, "now the first of several Brian Clough lookalikes on this weeks
programme." Who can he be referring to?
[26] Musical Youth: Pass The Dutchie. Or, "Musical
Yout" as John Peel authentically refers to them. This is the promo film
for the song that started a million boring conversations about the meaning of
the word Dutchie.
[38] Culture Club: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?
There's an unusual cross-fade at the start of Culture Club's first Top of
the Pops appearance. The Culture Club stage is bare scaffolding poles and
one of the camera operators has pointed a camera straight up into the framework
and is slowly rotating the picture. This is then cross-faded into a big
close-up of Boy George. It's only remarkable because it's not something I've
seen done before. It looks nice and it fits the floaty tone of the song's
introduction, which is as good a reason as any to do it.
[22] Chicago: Hard To Say I'm Sorry. "Danced at
by Libra and Leo," of Zoo.
[15] Evelyn King: Love Come Down. A repeat from the
9/9/1982 edition.
[1] Survivor: Eye Of The Tiger. Another chance to see
the band walking out of a succession of mucky nightclubs on film in San
[4] Rocker's Revenge: Walking On Sunshine. John Peel
doesn't waste any time. He says "goodnight" and almost immediately
turns away from camera and ducks behind the crowd to make his exit. His caption
stays on screen longer than he does. Michael Hurll is credited as Executive
Producer but Brian Whitehouse is still listed as Producer and Director. There
hasn't been a palace coup. Michaell Hurll is currently off producing The
Late-Late Breakfast Show so presumably he won't be properly back until that
series goes off air in December.
John Peel: "Hello hep cats. Welcome to another Top of the Pops and another circuit of
wonders, including a particular treat for my wife. Are you all right there
Pete?* That comes up later in the programme though. We start with Mari
*John Peel definitely says Pete. It could be a barb aimed at
Peter Powell the meaning of which is now lost to the mists of time, or it could
be a mispronunciation of pet. We can never know.
John Peel? Again? Yes BBC4 has jumped forwards several
weeks into October. Unfortunately one of the shows they've skipped celebrated
the 15th anniversary of Radio 1; presented by the Radio 1 DJs. This is
frustrating for several reason. The show included a rare TV appearance by
Adrian Juste; Radio 1's wacky host of the Saturday lunchtime show. A
technically complex and well edited selection of comedy clips, but not funny.
Adrian Juste insisted on laughing over the clips, interjecting his own gags, or
cutting in with lines like "oh, yes," or "what happened." and
the overall effect was to completely boil any remaining humour out of the
material. There's lots of examples of his shows on YouTube if you really want
to take a walk down memory lane. I don't recommend it. The birthday edition
also features the Radio 1 DJs dancing to Adam Ant's Friend Or Foe, which is as
brilliantly ghastly as you'd expect. It was also the programme which featured
the (deliberately) Jocky Wilson illustrated version of Dexy's Midnight Runners
Jackie Wilson Said (I’m In Heaven When You Smile)
[8] Mari Wilson: Just What I Always Wanted. Oh
beehive. The Wilsonites indulge in the same clowning around as their last
appearance. This time they've remembered to check which camera is on and the
viewer at home can actually see the whole routine.
[36] Barry Manilow: I Wanna Do It With You. Ugh.
Barry's getting frisky. He must have been to the oyster bar. The lyrics are
crass and obvious. There's something about the level of single entendre on
display which just puts me in a bad mood when under different circumstances it
could perhaps be funny. Barry's smirking throughout the whole video as if he
thinks it's a hoot, and perhaps it's the expectation the viewer will find the
song charming, funny, and -hey- maybe a liddle bit sexy which is responsible for
at least 90% of my negative reaction towards it. The best thing I can say about
the song is that it reminds me of a hoary old theatrical anecdote. Someone I
can't remember, let's say Diana Dors, was approached at a party by an
over-ardent admirer who said "I really want to [do it with] you." To
which Diana Dors replied, "if you do and I find out about it..."
[38] Tears For Fears: Mad World. There's something
very charming about the shots of the Top of the Pops audience wearing
party hats and cheerfully bopping away to the line "the dreams in which
I'm dying are the best I've ever had."
J-n-th-n K-ng's US chart update is snipped from between
Tears For Fears and The Pinkies. This means we miss the chance to learn that
the unlikely named John Cougar is at number 1 in the USA with his song Jack And
Diane. Mr Cougar's only Top of the Pops outing will not be seen because it
takes place on a show hosted by Mike Smith. Back in December 2016 the BBC
responded to enquires with the statement, "While he was alive, Mike Smith
decided not to sign the licence extension that would allow the BBC to repeat
the Top of the Pops episodes that he presented. Since his passing, the BBC is
continuing to respect his wishes."
[27] The Pinkies: Danger Games. Maybe two or three
years ago this would have fitted in perfectly with a lot of the post-punk
bands. It's a sign of how quickly the charts have moved on that in 1982 it
sounds dated. Keep an eye on the guitarist in the black top. At the end of the
song he tries for a flamboyant flourish by spinning his guitar above his head.
It's not clear from the camera angle but it looks like he badly overbalances
and takes two or three stumbling steps towards the back of the stage before
[37] Melba Moore: Love's Comin' At Ya. Melba Moore is
impeccably dressed in a white eighties power blouse with padded shoulders.
She's also accompanied by two dancers from Zoo who frug away on podiums in the
front of the stage. Unfortunately the vagaries of camera movement and
perspective means Melba Moore is intermittently eclipsed by the two dancers and
disappears from view.
[30] The Pretenders:
Back On The Chain Gang. A nice little Zoo routine which mixes
between the three dancers performing "live" in the studio, and
several of the others in a pre-recorded insert pretending to smash rocks. Chain
gang! Do you see? Eric Wallis is on Lighting and he gets some atmosphere into
the studio by turning down a lot of the colour, and largely lighting from the
front which colours the studio blue and silver. Watch out for the moment at the
end when the large blue overhead floodlights are turned off. The last bits of
colour drain from the sets, which are largely just grey reflective surfaces,
and it's odd to see the place looking so drab.

[14] The Beatles: Love Me Do. Also on video. The
highest chart entry of the week, and re-released to mark the single's 20th
anniversary. "This one's for you Pete," says John Peel. Another salvo
in the Radio 1 civil war between Peter Powell and John Peel?
[1] Musical Youth: Pass The Dutchie. Poor old Musical
Youth. They knocked Survivor off the Number 1 spot, and then sat at the top of
the charts for three weeks in 1982. But their repeated moment of glory is
curtailed to a single week in the BBC4 run. Next week they'll be replaced by
someone else.
[12] Carly Simon: Why. Brian Whitehouse is credited
for "Produced and Directed By." Michael Hurll is off helping out Noel
Edmonds on Saturdays. But where's Gordon Elsbury? (John- Not even Carly seems to know either)
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