Toasted cheese sandwiches
the Seventies, when people wanted a snack especially first thing in the morning
or last thing at night they would head for their pine covered kitchen and reach
for the Sandwich Toaster, probably made by Breville. You didn’t have a proper
kitchen unless you had one of these and before long people worked out that
toast was tastier if you put cheese on it. This is of course an unhealthy sort
of snack but everyone partook until they realised this fact. Now these toasted
sandwich devices lie in cobweb covered obscurity.
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Mmmm, healthy |
Semolina Pudding
alternative to rice pudding or porridge, semolina never seemed as popular.
Perhaps because it is not quite rice pudding and not quite porridge people
overlook it. Semolina itself is milled from a type of wheat
called Durum Wheat. If you want to try to make the pudding all you
have to do is pour semolina
into milk in a saucepan and stir the mixture continuously until it starts to
thicken and bubble which should take about seven minutes. That’s all it is. If
the pudding is splattered across a nearby wall you’ve left it on too long..
For the
first half of the 20th century no proper dinner was complete without
a pile of limp and soggy cabbage plonked on the plate. However after the second
world war and especially when people began taking more holidays abroad, it’s
usage declined. Also people came to the inescapable conclusion that cabbage
doesn’t really taste of anything. The name apparently derivers from the French
word `caboche` meaning `head`.
Chicken a la King
For some
this was their first taste of anything more exotic than fish and chips and
during the Seventies it became a staple of school dinners. It consists of
creamy chicken with diced green
or red peppers and mushrooms. There are at least six different accounts of how
the dish came to be, the most believed one being a meal specially prepared for
one of the owners of a New York Hotel called Clark King who liked it so much he
had it added to the menu and word spread from there. The dish was named Chicken
à la King In his honour. Or it might
just have been a king who liked chicken?
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Chicken a la King: It's a bit of a mess really isn't it? |
Black Forest Gateau
An epic
chocolate sponge, black cherry and cream cake that originated in Germany, for a
while this became the must have centrepiece to any posh do. In a world of big flowery wallpaper and even
bigger flowery hats it defined an assumed opulence that anyone could buy into.
People would gasp at the appearance of a Black Forest Gateau. Now it is unlikely
to be seen outside of the Great British
Bake Off. The record for the biggest ever Black Forest cake was set in
Germany of course with a bulging 3,000kg lump of chocolatey stuff.
Odd flavoured crisps
For a
while you could only get three flavours of crisps- Ready Salted, Cheese &
Onion or Salt & Vinegar. Then sometime during the 1980s the crisp market
exploded and there was no flavour too obscure to be turned into a crisp. It started with the reasonably acceptable
Chicken, then Beef, then Tomato Ketchup and on and on. Actually there is one type of crisp that
never made it to the shops but which I sampled at the time and that’s Grouse. Not
that bad at all, apparently other people who tried them didn’t enjoy the
flavour and said it tasted of soil (?) and they were never seen again. Not that Grouse seems particularly
outrageous when you consider that crisp flavours which have made it to the
Space Dust
not actual space dust. In fact nobody was ever quite sure what this was but
kids in the Seventies loved it. It looked like a coloured powder but when you
put it on your tongue it would fizz. Ingredients include sugar, lactose, corn
syrup, flavouring and not, as some used to imagine, a small amount of actual
dust from space. A scientist from 1974 writes: “The mixture is exposed to
pressured carbon dioxide gas which causes high pressure bubbles to become
trapped. When this is dissolved by your saliva it releases the carbon dioxide
from the bubbles causing it to pop and sizzle. Groovykins.” Thanks, A
Scientist. If you eat too much of it your head will not explode but you may
spout gibberish for a while due to your tingling tongue. There is almost
certainly still a stash of the stuff behind the tea bar in the House of
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Do not eat space dust or you will literally look like this. |
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