Reviewed by Chris Arnsby. Simon Bates: "Welcome to Top
of the Pops. We have a world exclusive on the new George Michael video coming
up later." Gary Davies: "And we've got lots of other great music as
well like Prince, Tina Turner, the Kane Gang, but first to get us underway
here's Black Lace. Agadoo."
[19] Black Lace: Agadoo. So soon? I knew it had to be
coming but these repeats have only been running since 2011. I hoped I would
have more time to prepare.

This is Black Lace's third song to make Top of the Pops after
the terrible Superman, and the terrible, terrible Mary Ann, the UK's
Eurovision 1979 entry (7th place).
In total Black Lace made nine appearances on Top of the
Pops. Two for Mary Ann, don't ask how when the song didn't even break into
the Top 40. Superman also got two performances as will their post-Agadoo song
Do The Conga. Agadoo itself will clock up three appearances; two on regular
editions and one on the review of 1984. For those of you keeping count this was
performance number five of nine. (John-
Surely there was a review back then that just said: Agadon’t)
[4] Prince: When Doves Cry. On film. When Top of
the Pops last featured the song on the 19/07/1984 edition they showed the
video. Gary Davies does point out that this is "not the usual video but
from his film Purple Rain," so did Top of the Pops put together a
special assembly of film clips? My [tin] ears could be playing tricks on me,
but it sounds like this version of the song is being played slightly too
[15] The Kane Gang: The Closest Thing To Heaven. Can
you be a gang if there are only three of you? During The Kane Trio's last
appearance I was distracted by an audience member who wore a hat with a comedy
foam rubber mallet coming out of the side and hitting the wearer on the head. I
never did find out the correct name for this item of millinery. There are no
such distractions this time so lets take a good look at them. The trio look a
little lost on the big stage but I'm sure their mums were really proud to watch
them on the telly between Olympic Grandstand and Hi-de-hi!
[5] Tina Turner: What's Love Got To Do With It? On
[43] A Flock Of Seagulls: The More You Live The More You
Love. Something terrible has happened to A Flock Of Seagulls. Lead singer
Mike Score (yes, apparently that's his real name- it's like a joke from Radio
Active) has ditched the iconic over-gelled swoop for a hideous feather cut
that makes him look like Rod Stewart's stunt double.
[44] Trevor Walters: Stuck On You. It's Peri! Yes,
standing next to Gary Davis as he says, oh, something or other is Nicola Bryant
from TV's Doctor Who. Presumably someone warned the Doctor that Agadoo
was going to be on tonight's programme and he sent his companion along to make
sure that the monster from Peladon didn't get out of hand. Nicola keeps gazing
at Gary Davis and smirking; looks like someone's got a crush.
Trevor Walters is leaving on "that midnight train
tomorrow." Is that the train that leaves at midnight tonight, or the day
after? I think Trevor means he's getting the overnight train that leaves the
station at 00:00 tonight, and is being pedantically correct when he points out
that that this is actually tomorrow's train. The trouble is it sounds like he's
talking about leaving a 24 hour gap. "Ooh girl, I'm coming back to you in
about a day or so," just doesn't sound nearly so romantic. (John- She went to the Pink Albatross and got
sloshed on lime cocktails anyway so she was fine.)
[12] George Michael: Careless Whisper. Top of the
Pops has a first look at the video. A world exclusive as we are
breathlessly informed by Gary Davies. It's shot in faux widescreen, which would
have looked cinematic and dead classy in 1984. On modern televisions it just
looks stupid with the picture squeezed into an A4 shaped hole in the middle of
the screen.
[1] Frankie Goes To Hollywood: Two Tribes: A repeat
of the gun waving performance from 19/08/1984.
[16] Divine: You Think You're A Man. I could do
without Gary Davies' quip that You Think You're A Man is Simon Bates' favourite
record. Unless Simon Bates was actually playing the song constantly, it sounds
a bit gay-panicy; imagine liking a record by a man dressed as a lady. Classic
1984, in other words. The episode ends with Gary Davies' name misspelled as
Gary Davis on the closing credits. This will have bruised his ego and gone some
way to restoring the karmic balance of the universe. (John – Wasn’t his name actually Woah Gary Davies?)
Performance of the week: This is a thin week for
studio performances. I'm playing my joker and selecting Prince: When Doves Cry which has the
advantage of not looking or sounding like anything else in this edition.
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