Every time a
slightly quirky female singer emerges comparisons with Kate Bush are never far
behind. Yet in 1975, some three years before `Wuthering Heights`, there was
Noosha Fox. Though she was not a solo artist nor penned her own material there
is something in her charismatic presentation that seems to foreshadow Bush’s
subsequent image to some extent. Noosha Fox’s time in the spotlight was
comparatively brief and she remains destined to be a footnote rather than a
chapter in the history of pop music but it’s an intriguing note
nonetheless. At a time when most of
pop’s unconventional performers were male she brought something a little
different to the party.
The story
behind Noosha Fox is multinational. Born in Australia her real name is Susan
Traynor and she was originally the singer in a band called Wooden Horse. Her
career was transformed by an American songwriter Kenny Young who was the co-
author of well -known songs like Under the Boardwalk`, `Ai No Corrida`,
`Captain of Your Ship` amongst others. The two had worked together on Young’s
solo album `Last Stage for Silver World` in 1973 and he subsequently decided to
form a band which would showcase her distinctive voice. The band was named Fox
after her newly adopted stage name Noosha Fox, Noosha being a made up name
derived from a sort of scrambled version of her real one but it sounded exotic.
Her unusual voice and the
atmospherically light arrangements of the songs combined with a Marlene Dietrich
inspired image grabbed immediate attention propelling the band’s debut single
`Only You Can` into the top 10 and a critically acclaimed debut album
followed which also provided another hit
with `Imagine Me, Imagine You`.
`Only You Can`
has Noosha singing in a breathy, compressed and deeper voice than you’d expect
and if you look at old TOTP performances she seems cautious if not diffident in
her delivery. It’s an alluring, interesting performance and sound that perhaps
did influence Kate Bush.
Yet this was
clearly her image as she told `Look
In` magazine at the time about her performances: “I don't think I've ever been
nervous. I certainly like the studio atmosphere and find the audience really
friendly. I suppose I don't get away from being aware of what is happening. I
don't just stand there and sing, I am aware of everything. I can even look into
a camera! I'm still conscious though of people who might be watching. As for me
watching myself on television. In a way, I don’t want to do that. I suppose if
you see yourself and notice a raised eyebrow, you might take a note not to do
that next time!"
Talking about
the band’s music she said: ‘We want our music to be happy and free, that’s all.
I like to feel
a song and treat it in context of its lyrics and tune. I do the songs the way I
think fit, rather like acting out different characters in a play."
Another mid 70s
interviewer asked her about her image which appears to have come about by
accident when she opened a wardrobe in a second hand shop and saw three 1920s
silk dresses which she bought for a princely 35p. "At the time, I wasn't making stage
appearances, so I just wore them to parties. But since I've worn them on stage,
other beautiful things just seem to come my way. People find things for me from
their grannies' trunks or some relative's cast-offs. it's wonderful where they
all come from. I mix and match them with old scarves and other accessories, so
I hardly need to have anything new. Nearly everything I have is old Thirties
On the video
for `Imagine Me Imagine You` she begins lying down before sitting up to sing
the verse. Like its predecessor it flows easily with a danceable groove built
in. “Imagine Imagine You inside each other’s eyes, what would we see?” she
purrs. There’s also a very catchy if meaningless repeated refrain of “Doolang
da lang alang doo lang” that will stick in your head. On this song you can also
hear the more musical members of the band itching to prog things up with guitar
runs and a synth solo that are both curtailed before they overwhelm it. It is
an odd fit really showing how accomplished the musicians were.
In fact Fox’s self-
titled debut album certainly does contain a diversity of musical styles and is
a proper collection rather than the fillers a lot of pop groups of the day
would use to accompany the hits. Noosha’s voice varies too, some songs have her
clearer natural vocal while others mirror the more eccentric delivery of the
`The Juggler`
could be an offering from some West Coast 70s outfit, `Patient Tigers` has a
hint of country music about it with slide guitar and tinkling piano in the
background. `The More` uses a classical backing and multi tracked Noosha vocals
for it’s brief duration. `Spirit` really does sound like some lost early Kate
Bush track. `He’s Got Magic` was the album’s third single and has a sort of
Eurovision stomp that makes it difficult to understand why it wasn’t as big a
hit. `Pisces Babies` contains one of Noosha’s best vocals mixed to the front
over the rolling tune; it’s less obvious but might have been a better single.
`Love Ship` is probably the most mid 70s sounding song, again you could imagine
it as a single with its narrative lyric. The closing `Red Letter Day` uses a
string arrangement to start before blending into a catchy chorus with more than
a hint of Abba about it. Together with the two hits it all adds up to an
excellent album.
Fox returned in
1976 with a second album `Tails of Illusion` in which somewhat bizarrely Noosha
shared vocals with other members of the band. Also the songs she does sing have
her voice rather too low in the mix. It seems an odd decision and the results
were not as successful even though there is no doubting the ambition of the
band. In fact while there are quite a lot of ideas to be found, the overall
production seems to dampen the material down. `Strange Ships` seems to have
been the main single but is washed in so much arrangement that the thrust of
the song is lost. As a whole the album is suffused with a very American vibe to
the extent that `For Whatever Its Worth` actually sounds like the soft rock
band America whose `Horse With No Name` this is something of a homage to. The
tracks without Noosha singing lack the distinction she gives songs and sound.
`Howdja` is probably the best song which experiments with shared vocals.
However Fox
returned in 1977 with their biggest hit `S-S-S-Single Bed` which made the top 5
and is funkier than the earlier hits and returns Noosha’s voice to the
prominence it deserves. The third album `Blue Hotel` features just her on the
cover suggesting something of a recalibration. In the event the album did not
provide any other hits and is generally somewhat relaxed in feel. `Living Out My Fantasies`, `Dejinina`,
`Almond Eyes` `Moustaches on the Moon` and `Make It Like It Used To Be` are all
laid back and probably could be described as easy listening. Noosha’s vocals
shine through what are slightly ordinary arrangements. `Blue Hotel` itself
comes on like some prog ballad with lashings of guitar solos and a piano led
verse that oddly suits Noosha quite well. `Magic Machine` takes this template
further and is positively early Seventies
The other
single taken from the album was `My Old Man’s Away` which is livelier than much
of the other material though the sentiment probably didn’t play too well for it
to be a big hit. `Under Your Own Umbrella` might have been a better punt at the
charts being possessed of a catchy enough arrangement and that little twist of
Fox oddness missing from some of the other songs. `Friendship Rose` is even
better bringing banjos into the equation and has the most interesting musical
arrangement on the album edging towards folk. Its use of laughing vocals
prefigures some of the interesting things Kate Bush would later do.
Fox split up
after this and in 1977 Noosha launched a solo career with an attention grabbing
single `Georgina Bailey` which almost made the top 30 but was banned by the BBC
due to its controversial lyric about a girl living with her uncle and their unconventional
lifestyle. Quite a menu for a rather lovely story telling song with a
continental vibe. This was quite different to the band and her voice sounds
Like many an
interesting pop star, Noosha Fox disappeared from mainstream view though
in late 70s and early 80s she made
several other singles but none were hits and she later left the music industry.
There was a brief Fox reunion in 1990 and again the mid 90s.In 2007 she was
said to be recording a new album though nothing has since emerged.
Fox were one of
those Seventies artists who although they had success never seem to get
mentioned much these days. During her relatively brief public singing career,
Noosha Fox never quite seemed to achieve what she might have done as she was
reliant on song writers. As far as I can tell she didn’t write any songs
herself. Yet whatever type of song she was placed in- and there’s a quite a
variety across the Fox albums- her vocal always stood out as characterful and
interesting. It would have been intriguing for her to have worked with other
songwriters and in other situations but it didn’t happen. As for her influence
it is difficult to imagine Kate Bush was unaware of her and there is more than
a hint of Noosha in some of Alison Goldfrapp’s vocals. However Noosha Fox
disappeared and Susan Traynor carried on living a family life outside the music
industry; a few years back it was revealed that physician and journalist Ben
Goldacre is her son. I wonder what Susan thinks of Noosha Fox all these years
I can hear the Kate Bush thing, too, but I also hear Clare Grogan in `Imagine Me Imagine You`.
ReplyDeleteYes definitely
DeleteI agree
DeleteAlison Goldfrapp must have been an avid fan!
ReplyDeleteYep,totally agree,I bet she was,definite influences eh :)
DeleteNoosha was excellent in her singing and delivery of a song, different. Kate Bush obviously copied her style. Pity Noosha is not in the spot light anymore ! Be great to see her as she is today, and see her in concert.
ReplyDeleteShe was excellent, fabulous delivery of great songs and a great stage presence. Pity she is not in showbiz anymore. Be good to see her on telly in concert as she is today.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed her music immensely, I have all her records and listen to her regularly on You-tube. All around great entertainer ! Was she ever on tour ??
ReplyDeleteYes, but with Fox - saw one of their concerts in London during the 70s success and it was unsurprisingly brilliant. Truly too clever for their own good and I believe that ironically that brought about the lack of continuing success
Deletei love it and barry is the niggest
ReplyDeleteIncredible singer come back on the scene we need fox to slink out the woods and let this generation hear what's been missing
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love Fox, one of my favourite bands of all time <3
ReplyDeleteYes, always loved Noosha; quirky, mysterious, silky-voiced and sexy.
ReplyDeleteBefore I actually knew the timeframes, I reckoned that Kate Bush got her presentation and singing style from Susan T. After checking it out it seems to be a definite!
ReplyDeleteShe was, to my teensge (then) mind, the most erotic sight on tv and even today hearing here melodious voice makes me smile..inside and out. Xx
ReplyDeleteNoosha Fox wrote a musical called Wartime Spirit which has, sadly, yet to see the light of day. There are six self-penned songs floating around the internet which can be found on Youtube, they are of varied quality and style, five of which Noosha recorded herself and one other appeared on an album by Norwegian singer Inge Lise Rypdall.
ReplyDeletePlease can anyone tell me what Noosha sings in the middle of 'Only You Can'? It's eluded me ever since I first heard it but, I simply cannot make out what she says.
ReplyDeleteWho can fly my heart like a bamboo kite
DeleteMake it twirl and gyrate just like a gyro delight
Only you can oh oh only you
Who can see as far as an eagle bird
See right thru my head thru my every word
Only you can oh oh only you
Only you have a right to me you
Only you come home every night every night
Ey hey yeh
Who can strum a tune by the light of the moon
Make me love you do in the afternoon
Only you can oh oh only you
This from the 1975 self titled album sleeve
oops missed a "like"
DeleteMake me love like you do in the afternoon
It says 'Only you have a right to me, you ohh, only you come home every night every night eh hey yeah'
ReplyDeleteNoosha Fox was and will always be an absolute icon. Totally original and unique. She's definitely inspired many of the more quirky modern female singers.
ReplyDeleteIan cole 30 july 2022,in a nutshell she is simply fantastic and my alltime favourite female singer.and a massive influence to many others,surely.