Chris Arnsby
Ward, has a rival. Who is David Ward? He once was King of the Cypher Graphics
system but he's been dethroned by newcomer Rockett Norton. It was actually last
week that Rockett made his debut but on that occasion his captions were very
much in line with the ones produced by David Ward; apart from adding a
wireframe graphic of the Top of the Pops symbol behind the chart number.
This week Rockett Norton has been allowed to really take the Cypher system for
a spin to see what it can do. And what it can do is very fancy indeed. The
caption for Black Box falls from the top of the screen packed in a (purple) 3D
box and the chart position and letters tumble out of the box and line
themselves up, as the box disappears back up the screen. Très bon. Very très
bon indeed.