
Top of the Pops 2 February 1990


Words: Chris Arnsby

Bruno Brookes: “Looking forward to the weekend. Good evening. Welcome to another spondicious Top of the Pops. All your favourite artists from the hit parade. And what a way to start. This is the highest climber up twenty three places, Lonnie Gordon makes a debut with this song. Happening All Over Again.

[9] LONNIE GORDON: HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN. New set. The Unfinished Stage has been pensioned off. It was first used just before Christmas, 21/12/1989, and the last appearance was technically last week but in an already partially disassembled state. If you want to be scrupulously accurate (I do, I do) then the Unfinished Stage was last properly used on the 11/01/1990 show (Fish, Big Wedge). That's barely four weeks of use. Paul Ciani must have hated it.