
Top of the Pops 15 February 1990


Words: Chris Arnsby

 Anthea Turner: “Welcome to Top of the Pops! And for the next half hour on BBC1 and Radio 1 we've got videos including Rod Stewart and Tina Turner! We've got chart news! And in the studio we've got The Wedding Present! The Stranglers! But on stage now it's Britain's highest new entry! At number five! Black Box!”

 [5] BLACK BOX: I DON'T KNOW ANYBODY ELSE. This edition is hosted by the “newly wed,” (© Gary Davies MCM) Anthea Turner. She tied the knot with Peter Powell, yes, That! Peter! Powell!, but by 1990 he'd moved on from being a presenter and DJ to run a management company.

David Ward, has a rival. Who is David Ward? He once was King of the Cypher Graphics system but he's been dethroned by newcomer Rockett Norton. It was actually last week that Rockett made his debut but on that occasion his captions were very much in line with the ones produced by David Ward; apart from adding a wireframe graphic of the Top of the Pops symbol behind the chart number. This week Rockett Norton has been allowed to really take the Cypher system for a spin to see what it can do. And what it can do is very fancy indeed. The caption for Black Box falls from the top of the screen packed in a (purple) 3D box and the chart position and letters tumble out of the box and line themselves up, as the box disappears back up the screen. Très bon. Very très bon indeed.


Big Boys season 3 review

Back for a third and final season Big Boys is probably the first show to make the previous decade nostalgic in the same way popular culture has lionised the Eighties or Nineties for some time. One day all dramas will namedrop cultural icons from 2013 or 2015 just like nowadays they hark back to 1985 or 1996.  Like a lot of successful comedy Big Boys has its roots in real life experiences yet its also the case that a brilliant cast propel Jack Rooke’s wonderfully eccentric, filthy and often poignant script into the stratosphere.  Its deceptively casual anarchy lands on so many levels ranging from hysterical slapstick, bawdy dialogue, realistic drama and bittersweet moments.  Some may find it hits too hard in one or more of these areas- and it is not for the faint hearted- but this is television at its most direct. 



Cobra Kai Season 6 Eps 11-15 review


The long tale of warring dojos and high kicks comes to an end with this final salvo of five episodes concluding the elongated season six whose initial episodes dropped last summer. It’s been a mixed bag this last season with the early episodes proving that all potential combinations of characters falling out / making up had been done. It all felt a bit forced. The middle set was a lot better culminating in an unexcepted dust up to rival that in the second season’s iconic school fight. Despite the far-fetched manner by which we got there it was definitely a highlight of the entire show’s run.  Its a crowded affair though, just look at how many people are on the publicity poster!

Spoilers on the mat beyond this point...


Top of the Pops 8 February 1990

 Words: Chris Arnsby

Gary Davies: “Hello. Very good evening to you. Welcome to another Thursday night's Top of the Pops we have a very busy programme for you. In fact the gang are going to tell you who's in the studio tonight. We've got...”
Audience member 1: “Beats International!"
Audience member 2: “The Beloved!”
Audience member 3: “Phil Collins!”
Audience member 4: “Del Amitri!”

Gary Davies: “Well, we start off at number ten in the charts with Instant Replay. Over there. It's Yell!”



Captain America- Brave New World review


The Captain America films have been my favourite of the individual Marvel movies and this fourth offering definitely contains enough to earn its place on that list. It’s a lively affair with some excellent set pieces and a strong cast. Yet it falls a bit short simply because of the way it has been marketed. I hate spoilers and do my best to avoid them but when the studio itself gives away a crucial moment to which the whole film is leading to it rather deflates the overall product.  


Spoilers follow in this review



The Mind of Mr JG Reeder S2 Eps 4-8(1971)


The Willing Victim (17 May 1971)

“Someone’s trying to kill you!” splutters Sir Jason after Reeder has told him about three varied attempts on his life. “That’s the conclusion I’d reached,” replied Reeder drily. The tone is thus set for an episode that, while potentially being the most serious yet, is also playful and unlikely at the same time. After these attempts, including having a piece of masonry pushed off a roof as Reeder is walking underneath in the opening sequence, the criminal mastermind Lew Cassio (an expressive Harry Towb with an untraceable accent) resorts to a more fiendish method to enact revenge on the man who put him and other colleague away. Tasked with undertaking this mission is his assistant Danny played by a younger Geoffrey Hughes of Coronation Street fame with wide eyed buffoonery.


The Mind of Mr JG Reeder S2 Eps 1-4 (1971)


The Duke (19 Apr 1971)

Two years after the first season, during which time Hugh Burden had scared viewers as the first villain faced by the third Doctor Who, the chilling Channing, The Mind of Mr J.G. Reeder returned. Its easy to overlook the fact that it was seen as a prestigious show with a 9pm slot on Monday evenings.  The title sequence this time is slightly different and suggests that all that is on Reeder's `criminal mind` are dancing girls  but the banjo led Twenties theme music remains. The opening story concerns a Chicago gangster, Duke Dorsey who has become the unlikely tenant of a country estate. When an attempt is made on his life, Reeder is assigned by Sir Jason to offer him official protection. Once there, the unassuming prosecutor discovers all is not as it seems. The episode is a little slow at first as Ray McAnally as Duke and Toby Robins as his much younger wife and former showgirl Sadie both struggle with Chicago accents and the somewhat stereotypical Chicagoan characters they play. Things liven up when Reeder arrives, his firm but polite Englishness rubbing against their brashness.


My latest novel- Earth Fire

I'm pleased to announce that I've published another novel in the Heart of the World series, the seventh in the series and my eighth in all. If that makes the process sound easy, its actually not but there is a lot of satisfaction in turning ideas into a story. The books are mainly aimed at a younger audience though theoretically can be enjoyed by anyone. At least anyone who doesn't read something and then say "well that could never happen". Because, you know, it just might....


Top of the Pops 2 February 1990


Words: Chris Arnsby

Bruno Brookes: “Looking forward to the weekend. Good evening. Welcome to another spondicious Top of the Pops. All your favourite artists from the hit parade. And what a way to start. This is the highest climber up twenty three places, Lonnie Gordon makes a debut with this song. Happening All Over Again.

[9] LONNIE GORDON: HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN. New set. The Unfinished Stage has been pensioned off. It was first used just before Christmas, 21/12/1989, and the last appearance was technically last week but in an already partially disassembled state. If you want to be scrupulously accurate (I do, I do) then the Unfinished Stage was last properly used on the 11/01/1990 show (Fish, Big Wedge). That's barely four weeks of use. Paul Ciani must have hated it.