Reviewed by Chris
Arnsby. Gary Davies: "Hello, good evening, and welcome to Top of the
Pops. The last time I was with you was just a few weeks ago. Tony, when were
you last with us?" Tony Blackburn: "The last time I was here Vera
Lynn was at number one in the charts, Gary." Gary Davies: "Well at
number five in the charts at the moment it's Bananarama." Tony Blackburn:
"Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye."
[5] Bananarama: Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. Gary Davies is trying to make a hilarious joke, but the boring
answer is that Tony Blackburn last appeared barely six months ago on the
30/9/1982 live edition for the 15th anniversary of Radio 1. Before that
he really had been off for a while having last hosted a show on 05/04/1979.
Unusually Gary Davies and Tony Blackburn are standing in front of the projector
screen (on the left hand side of the main Top of the Pops set) rather
than in front of the neon logo (on the right of the set) where hosts usually
start the show. The reason for this change seems to be so that the Director can
set up a shot that pulls back from the hosts to Bananarama. It also means we
get a better than normal look at the DJ's exit routine. Davies and Blackburn
both turn, place their microphones carefully on the floor, and then leave via the
side of the set. During the Bananarama performance a studio microphone is left
on and at various points someone (Floor Manager, Tony Guyan?) can be heard
shouting instructions. "Get your hands down, is yelled at one point.
Followed later by the contradictory, "wave your hands in the air."
Make up your mind. Later there's "let me see you clapping, hands in the
air," as, presumably, instructions come down from the Director that the
audience aren't pretending convincingly to have fun. (John- And they were always careful the viewers never saw the