of the Pops 1981 currently on BBC4. Watched by Chris Arnsby.
Kid Jensen: "Hi there! After my being away for over a year I must say it
is good to be back... But right now there's thunder in them there mountains." (John- Now Chris you're not going to mention the edit are you because....oh you are going to mention it. We'll be in trouble for this.)
Glitter: And Then She Kissed Me [44]. Kid Jensen is now credited as David
Kid Jensen, that time away in Atlanta working for CNN has matured him. If the
introduction seems a little abrupt it's because there's something missing from
this BBC4 repeat; Gary Glitter singing a song which limped to number 39. For
posterity David Kid Jensen's introduction runs as follows: "Hi there!
After my being away for over a year I must say it is good to be back and it's a
big welcome back for Gary Glitter." (John- Before anyone moans consider the more alarming fact that GG's film is available on dvd shortly and advertised on Amazon)
Thunder In The Mountains [5]. Toyah's not available for Top of the Pops
this week. Here's a chance to see the video instead. Watch as Toyah escapes
from a post-apocalyptic multi-story car park in a two wheeled horse-drawn
chariot made from a cut down car. The shots of Toyah driving this thing around
seem surprisingly dangerous. The chariot looks difficult to stop, and there's
precious little head room for Toyah; especially with the puffed up orange
fright wig look she's got going on. The rest of the video is a little more
sedate although the plot is obscure. Toyah drives around on the runway of an
abandoned airfield past a couple of nice looking forced perspective miniatures.
Occasionally she is psychically attacked by the cruel overseer of the car park
before there's some business with a gate. The video ends with her gathering
troops by sending messages attached to arrows. The message being a picture of,
er, an arrow. Best bit the reverse shot of the chariot, recorded as night
falls, which reveals that her dangerous looking vehicle has fully working rear
lights. Well, no one wants to be pulled over by the post-apocalyptic Police.
Toyah, on her way to Aldi yesterday. |