edition! Shown (frequently) on BBC4.Reviewed by Chris Arnsby
Skinner: "You're right it's Top of the Pops. And, some great music
tonight. We've got The Pretenders to start the show with a Message Of Love.
Message of Love [28]. Poor Richard Skinner gets lost in a crowd of waving
and overexcited teenagers. As the camera crash zooms on his startled face he's
forced to start leaping to stay in shot, which might explain why his final
"YES" registers a six on the Peter Powell scale. What happens next is
unclear because we cut to another camera but it looks as if Richard Skinner
looses his balance and takes a tumble, bringing a couple of audience members
down with him. Hilary West is on Vision Mixing duties tonight and decides to go
old school at one point with a colour replacing effect that was big in the

Vienna [2]. Richard Skinner's next link is accompanied by a low angled shot
which makes it look like he's retreated up to escape from the audience. Who's
that at number 2? Why it's Midge Ure and the boys from Ultravox. Remember, 2
comes right after 1. I think this is the first Top of the Pops outing
for the video. The fake widescreen bits which bookend this video were designed
for 4:3 ratio televisions, so they now look weird when played back on genuine
widescreen TVs.