

The Queen


People are often cruel, judgmental or dismissive about the Royal Family in a way that they would never be about anyone else almost as if they didn’t think they are people. I’m not a Royalist nor anti- Royals it but the Queen has been a presence throughout my entire life in such a way that I feel like I know her even though I obviously don’t. Yes, I can smile at the number of times in the past twenty four hours the BBC has deployed their stock phrases (“mother of the nation”) in sombre tones and the way websites have unveiled their black livery but I do feel this all misses the sense of fun that the Queen herself preferred. After all, one of the last pieces of footage we have of her is tapping along on a teacup to `We Will Rock You`, the Queen playing along with Queen! Or the way she gamely engaged in a little James Bond fun a decade back for the Olympics. I reckon she’d prefer to be remembered like that.

Because my mum is from the same generation I suppose I find her values more familiar than perhaps later generations do. Regardless of issues over the institution of Monarchy itself, she had a job which she undertook tirelessly and which helped this country’s image around the world. That it didn’t look like working just shows how well she did it- you or I would struggle showing an interest in the workings of a tyre factory or sewer plant for decades on end I’m sure. I only ever saw her once, fleetingly, as she whizzed past the top of our road in a shiny car, but those who spoke with her have attested to her interest in them and what they were saying even though it was probably the same sort of thing everyone said to her. That focus is harder than it looks.

Most of her problems- and the reason why the existence of the Monarchy has been challenged - came from the fact that not all members of her family were able to exercise the same self discipline and restraint dealing with an outside world that changed a lot over her reign. Their antics constantly created crises for her and yet mothers around the country and beyond would probably empathise with her having to cope with wayward family members. She wasn’t able to resort to `tell all` books or interviews and I don’t think she would wish to either. She just got on with things.

 While she appeared to maintain a constant course there were subtle changes to reflect changing attitudes. Her approach also helped promote this country and its history even if it sometimes seems like a distant ritual removed from the realities of modern life. It is a history people are interested in even if sometimes we take it for granted or feel it should be left behind. If we’re talking about popularity- and this seems to be the way most things are measured now – then this Queen was hugely popular.

It is hard to say whether or for how long the Monarchy can endure or even if it should but Queen Elizabeth the second showed the institution in its most positive light. She served as an example of public service that many others could do with following. 


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