

Staying in on Saturday night

Once upon a time I used to go out on Saturday night but at this moment - 8.30pm- I am typing this while listening to last year's Phoenix album and wondering how come I hardly ever go out on Saturday night any more? Well I suppose the answer to that is that Saturday night in town is full of loud younger people who seem to have a capacity for alcohol that I no longer have if indeed I ever did. It's sort of easier to stay in isn't it on a Saturday rather than go out. There are six other nights you can go out and I prefer any one of them to Saturday. The last time I went out on Saturday night it was freezing cold but most people were wearing only one layer of clothing; compared to them my four layers and assorted scarves and gloves made me look like some kind of woolly mammoth. We couldn't find anywhere to eat - everywhere seemed to be booked up or we'd be able to have a table "in half an hour or so".  Then when we did find somewhere it was the most peculair restaurant. Decked out like a Greek taverna it was in fact an American resturant according to the sign. Yet the menu was a strange melange of all kinds and when we got our order extra bits had been added as if they just wanted to get rid of them.
So instead of all that this is my chance to catch up on a few episodes of Breaking Bad (I'm on to episode 11 of season 4) and generally not go out. If you're under 25 and reading this you are looking at your future. I once vowed I would never lose touch with the latest music, trends and I would never stay in on a Saturday night but now I know that hasn't turned out to be true. 

Finally in this sponteanous post that I will probably delete tomorrow, I thought I'd share my thoughts on the topics of the moment....
Kate Bush playing live after 35 years- don't do it Kate! The mystery is better and we would prefer to speculate why you're not touring than have you actually tour.
Ukraine- Yikes, why do we pick and choose our moral high ground? Either we let these things slide or we don't? I think the whole thing says far more about us than it does Vlad who, lets face it, has got away with it.
The new pound coin - We want it now! Though I'm not sure it will spin around in the same way the current one does.
Sports Relief- Only Fools fans will take a while to recover. It's why people should never come back unless they can cut it regardless of whether it's for charity or not. Also if you're going to have a YouTube boy band they should at least have a YouTube girl band also.
The price of fish- Well...(cont page 445)

Oops there's nothing here. I clicked the break by mistake and thought I'd leave it here.
Instead here's an enigmatic photo of me

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