

Plaything of Sutekh- The Doctor Who Fanzine Still Available!!

Yes, you can still buy the acclaimed new Doctor Who fanzine `Plaything of Sutekh` featuring...

What Did the Sixties Do For Who? – a look at how the Patrick Troughton era of the show reflected the changes facing Britain in the late 1960s
A New Direction? – a look at the evolution of the series under Steven Moffat
Accidental Art – While Terry Nation and Douglas Adams were pulling in opposite directions, how Ken Grieve’s innovative approach raised `Destiny of the Daleks` above the norm.
Secret Who – we re-evaluate a clutch of less celebrated stories and find there’s more to them than meets the eye: We’re talking `Underworld`, `The Krotons` and `The Android Invasion`. Do not be afraid- they are better than you think.
Franks’s Who – the lasting influence of Frank Bellamy’s `Radio Times` art on Doctor Who illustration.
Return of the King- Reviews of Tom Baker’s return as the Doctor in Big Finish audios.
Plus recent DVD releases reviewed and we tell you who the next Doctor will be.
Oh, and the inevitable lots more.
The issue is 40 b/w A5 pages fully illustrated with colour cover.
How to order
Please send a Paypal payment (via or to
You can also pay by cheque- please drop us an email for the payee details.
Don’t forget to include your address!
United Kingdom: £2.35 / Elsewhere in Europe: £3.60 / Outside Europe: £4.60 / Offworld: 41 credits
If you’ve already bought it, then tell us what you think at

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