

Why I was away...


I thought I’d explain the five week hiatus and what happened. My mum passed away in late March and as any of you who have experienced the death of a close relative will know it is a big shock even if it is not entirely unexpected. Grief is an odd thing because although in theory its about the person who has gone, in reality it is about each of us individually and how we are affected. We pass though a well known ritual afterwards culminating in a funeral of some kind but then what? This is where I am now, going forward while tempted to look back because there’s quite a bit of uncertainty ahead. There is no carefully calibrated routine for what happens after the funeral is done and everyone goes back to their lives. So even though this isn't usually a personal blog I thought I'd write a little about it here with the qualification that this is not me asking for sympathy or concern, just working through it like everyone has to do.